Sunday, June 24, 2007

From the Worm (... that lives in stinky poo! ^^). Nothing better to do right so I figured might as well. Watching worm read Econs isn't exactly the most exciting thing ever....

Layer 1 : On The Outside
Name : I have many, and depending on who you are, you get a different one.
Birthdate : The heck! Mano mano preceeded everything, and Mano mano = eternity... why would I have/ need one??
Current Status : Not single, not married, not in a de facto relationship... guess :) Am ever hoping to build up my harem of little men ^^
Eye Colour : Dark brown?? Look into my eyes and tell me.
Hair Colour : Sorta blackish? I'm old, the occasional white comes through *shrieks*
Righty or Lefty : Proud lefty. But only when writing. Everything else is more righty than lefty :S

Layer 2 : On The Inside
My Heritage : Mix up of what my parents are, and whatever seeped into me after my years of growing up in a mix-up country
My Fears : Of pain and hurt, physical and emotional. (... and I don't forgive readily... so consider yourself warned... heh heh *sprouts horns*)
My Weakness : Stupid accounting exercises... why doesn't it add up?? *ripping sounds*
My Perfect Pizza : Cheese (more more more!!!), pepperoni, capsicum, olives and hot peppers to spice everything up!

Layer 3 : Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow
My Thoughts First Waking Up : Hm... what's for breakfast??
My Bedtime : Tell me what day it is tomorrow first!
My Most Missed Memory : Playing in the front yard with my 'nong-nong' sibs

Layer 4 : My Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Dun like! Dun want!
McD or Burger King : Mmmmm... both are equally great when it comes to greasy goodness
Single or Group Dates : What are dates supposed to be? I haven't work out what it's supposed to mean yet :S
Nike or Adidas : Whatever, as long as they are comfy... and big enough for my boatlike feet
Tea or Nestea : Black tea, unsweetened please, or fragrant tarty fruit teas... mmmm
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate! Vanilla! I'm fickle and greedy, may I have one of each?
Cappucino or Coffee : Ewww... keep them away from me... *runs away screaming*

Layer 5 : Do You ...
Smoke : Heck, are my nails yellow huh?
Curse : Yeah, when you're not within earshot of course ^^
Take a Shower : Everyday... religiously, no matter how grungy the bath is I must!!
Have a First Crush : Yes
Think You've Been in Love : Yes
Go To School : Does uni count?
Wanna Get Married : ... not really at this moment...
Believe In Yourself : YES!!
Think Your a Health Freak : Yes? No? How do you define that?

Layer 6 : In The Past
Drank Alcohol : Does red wine count?
Gone To The Mall : Duh.
Been On Stage : Yes... couple of times as a kid... and just recently at the end of ECC ^^ Love being at the centre of attention.
Eaten Sushi : Mostly the ones I made myself, and by Omani and couple of times store-bought.
Dyed Your Hair : No, with threats of being shaved bald. But I want a colourful one, or a wholly white shock of hair.

Layer 7 : Have You Ever ...
Played A Stripping Game : I would but you can't play alone.
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : My way of talking according to whoever I'm talking to.

Layer 8 : Age Your Hoping ...
To Be Married : 28 to 30-ish (I've got my studying to finish first)

Layer 9 : In A guy...
Best Eye Colour : ... turns to puppy... what's yours? *brown* lol
Best Hair Colour : Anything but blond hair.
Short or Long Hair : Whatever, as long as it's not stinky.

Layer 10 : What Were You Doing ...
A Minute Ago : Typing this still and on the phone
Hour Ago : Showering.
5 Hours Ago : Sleeping.
1 Month Ago : Class?
Year Ago : On holiday while freezing in Dud?

Layer 11 : Finish The Sentences ...
I Love : stuffing my gob with anything and everything.
I Feel : happy because it's sunny outside and I've just have had a mandarin :D
I Hate : people I hate.
I Hide : my inner feelings.
I Miss : home-cooking... and hawker food.
I Need : good cooking, junk food, love, games, fun, sunshine, tropical fruits

Layer 12 : Tag 5 People
Anyone who wanna do it, copy and do it then. Mano mano practises democracy ^^

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