Saturday, June 16, 2007

No idea when I'll be able to post again, since I've no idea if there'll be convenient access in the next week. Got up really early today, just couldn't sleep much simply because the idea of flying just makes me all happy and excited (hey, kids are simple-minded!). The shuttle is coming round at about 8, though he said he might be up to 10 minutes late and to wait outside the gate. Hm... not sure if waiting 10 minutes outside would be ideal though, seeing as I could hear the rain yesterday... *shrug*

Still no idea what we'll be getting up to when we get there. My trunk is the exact same one that I carried over here from home. Looking at it, am I moving up to Giz for a year? My sleeping bag isn't even in it that's for one. Not that I would want it in there as well, for I cannot afford the risk of it getting lost should my trunk goes awol. Wearing the same old stinky underwear for a week bothers me less than having to freeze every night for the same seven days. *Turns to group mate: Can I borrow your shirt, oh, and while you're at it, how about a bra and underpants?* LOL

Love ya all, and will see you in about a week, or sooner if possible. Miss you nana and mumiak, bola and worm (watch out, crashing in a week muahahhahaha!).

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