Saturday, June 09, 2007

By Judith Motzkin

I blame the KFC binge for my toilet misfortunes. The only postive side to things is as I told Sh, at least it means we don't actually absorb everthing then. Which considering my ever-growing girth, is a good thing.LOL.

Today's morning practice at club and socs is the second time I've practiced Sh's special hymn with her. Glad to say most of the technical problems with timing, fingering, and other what-nots have more or less been settled. It's now mostly a case of making sure that I remember the changes that I've made to the score and not forget things during the actual thing itself! It's certainly been quite some time since I've made so many trips to club and socs in so few days, which is something I'm somewhat grateful for (would be even more happy if the weather would cheer up a little more), considering it would help halt or at least slow down my decline. Trying out Franz Suppe's Light Cavalry Overture. It's a little lengthy, but from initial tries, it's a lovely piece. Even better is the fact that I've just located a midi for it, which would certainly make practising even better.

Those three waiatas are more or less committed to memory for now. It's just that I've minor problems in retrieval at times, but I doubt it should be a problem, as long we sing in a group all the time. Turns out our groups won't have a powhiri before heading off to our own host maraes. A bit sad at this, but then, I guess it would make sense. Don't want to be reaching and having to sing at our host marae in the dark! Especially when the weather these past few days has been absolutely dismal. *ahem* Dismal because I'm cold intolerant, hate the wet, and am a poor student still.

The snow's here already though. Except that it's up in the mountains. I wonder why would any adult of sane mind would choose this city as a place to live? Housing near the city is bad and is meant more or less for students only, so professionals or any working adult with a sense of dignity would have to live slightly further out from the city. But when it comes to Dud, living further out usually means living out in the hills, which means if it snows, you'll have a fun time getting to work. Oops, I meant 'fun'. During my early pregnancy case week wrap up tutorial, that was exactly what my tutor was worried about. She left her mobile on so that she could receive texts from her kids on the weather so that she knows that if the weather really turns nasty, she could get home and not get stranded out in uni. *The heck* I thought to myself, I donn't think I would want to put up with such nonsense from the weather! I'm already on the edge having to put up with my toes feeling frozen 98% of the time, but to be cold and stuck out of home?!! How do that patient my class saw last time managed to survive a snowstorm without protective gear on?

I'm thinking, thinking, thinking... we'll see if my thoughts do translate into action. It depends on the weather I guess. Or should I just move onto Plan B and do it the easy way? Or Plan C and look up the phone book?? I should find out exactly which part of my brain controls silly unnecessary feelings, localise it, and then scramble it up. Talking about brain, I miss the B & B module, it's waaaay less disturbing than the RDA module that we are currently doing in class. I was never enthusiastic about pregnancy and babies (sometimes I wonder why people bother...), but now I'm totally freaked by it all. I think my mild distaste at the idea has just ballooned into extreme dislike. I'm not sure what's there to be grateful and happy about being able to have the chance of being the one to carry the parasite, as soon as there is a chance to give it away, I would. I rather be the other part of the equation. *ahem, all mums must have been brainwashed by their mums/society/peers, but grateful as I am for it, still doesn't change things*

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