Friday, June 15, 2007

How many times have I said that I must get my packing done by Friday? No idea, but I certainly haven't finished packing. The trunk is left open in the middle of my room, clothes strewn about, socks in a pile by the side on the floor, and I'm sitting here in front of the screen typing this -_-"'.

Donald Evans is his usual interesting self with his lecture on Ethics today. I wonder if he has memorized his lecture or something considerng how flowing it usually is, and how he barely touched his powerpoint slides today (which is usually the case anyway). If that's the case, I must say, his darn memory is waay better than his white hair lets on, and that his monthly packet of peanuts from the university surely can't be just peanuts! Too bad some of our other lectures by other lecturers don't captivate me as much as his does.

About two hours worth of marketing by the three medical schools today. First up was Chch. They had an interesting show that they made themselves which was pretty darn funny in some parts and the usual powerpoint stuff. Not too bad an effort. Wellie was next in line and they certainly turned up the fun and games factor by more than just a couple of notches. Funny stuff for sure, but why oh why did they have to pull out their beers and stuff? Perhaps it's not so for some, but that just turns me off somewhat. I'm looking to escape Dud's stoopid student drinking culture, with their drunks bawling or sometimes laughing hysterically in the streets in the middle of the night every week, Thursday through to Saturday. Pulling out a couple of beers, what are they trying to signal to me? Though the pictures and stuff they showed of Wellie was certainly beautiful and there were certainly other attractions in Wellie that they didn't mention. Dud was last, and they certainly hadn't done too well. More people might reconsider wanting to stay back now I would think, especially with them showing a photo of cars in Invcgl covered in a foot or so of snow. Plus, the big part of things were just powerpoint slides. Wouldn't be bad, if it weren't done in a way much like typical boring old lectures on Monday mornings.

In the end, it seems that the three schools are more or less equal in content and quality, and it all kind of boiled down to choosing a city that you would want to live in for the next three years of your life in. I guess staying in Dud would be nice, being able to just walk to class and down the road to a friend's place. But for three more years... I'm full of doubt of my ability to take on Dud for so long, seeing that it's not love that I have for this place. More of a tolerance thing I would say... Hopefully I would get my choice (I've handed it in today, rather than waiting for some day closer to the last day where I might have forgotten by then), and be balloted anywhere but this little town where I've passed practically three years now... New adventure up ahead??

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