Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Flower by Bernard Hatt

More RDA lectures today. I suppose it's selfish of me to think like this, and yes, I'm truly grateful to mum and nana to even consider having me, but after these lectures, the only impression I get out of it (besides the hard core facts and what-nots) is that the embryo is somewhat like a cancerous lump. A moving cancerous lump. A invasive cancerous lump that has the frightening capacity to leech, and multiply like nothing else on earth. *eeps*

Tutorial was rather long, taking nearly the full hour. Didn't really get much out of it, basically a run through the prep sheet. Interestingly, my group came up with a longer list of cons than pros for having children. Though seriously, the whole exercise is somewhat pointless, since someone like Sh would say having kids because it's fun, and someone like me would certainly not see what's so fun about the whole thing, but rather the lifestyle restrictions and worry and what not. So in the end, it's more a case of personal opinion, and trying to fit it into J&J's case is just silly since they are undeveloped fictional characters. All I know is that they want kids, and nothing much else.

Reviewing a previous lecture on sperm transport earlier on, I came across this sentence saying that rape victims have a high probability of getting pregnant. I've suddenly developed this itch to photocopy it a gazillion times bigger and stuff the whole wad up the noses of those self-righteous anti-abortion sillies that tramp around outside the main entrance to the hospital. They don't need to go around pushing their ideologies on others, especially when some of those might already be in great distress. That's just being cruel.

On a lighter note, tried out a recipe for microwave bread after being given the idea by puppy's anime series, though I ended up starting the whole thing at about 10? The one I found was rather odd in that it said to not knead the bread otherwise it wouldn't rise :S... It came out pretty much ok I guess, though I don't really fancy the texture. A bit too crumbly I think? It did save time though, but if I really wanted to, soda bread would have been even better. Soda bread! Next in line once I finish up all the bread in my pantry lol.

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