Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Stones by Sean Day

MacBaby lab this morning. Rather dry stuff on the formation of the embryo, and my mind blanked out a couple of times from overboredom trying to figure out the message they were trying to convey to me. Suffice to say that checking my student and hotmail accounts, boring as it is, turned out to be the two things that saved my mind from the monster of boredom.

More interesting was the developmental lab that came afterwards. I skipped my own and crashed stream A's instead (just so that I could run off to practise for this upcoming Sunday's piece before waiata practice, without having to run back and forth between the north and south ends of campus!), which ended up the saint and his apostle being separated by quite a few sinners in between. Just the perfect day's work for this evil lump *snickers*. But I digress, for the main point of today's lab was to demonstrate that foetus size correlates with age, and also to highlight the results if things do go wrong. There were quite a number of interesting displays today, all of them specimens obtained more or less a hundred years ago. I wonder why (and how, since the intro to the lab mentioned that they didn't have the means to reproduce what we saw today) did the surgeon or whoever it is removed the uterus with the foetus in it. Not sure what exactly was wrong with those foetuses either, since they looked perfectly fine to me. But to remove the womb as well? The demonstrator I grabbed said she wondered as well if the mothers actually survived those operations. *wince* Some of the other cases had foetuses that had no limbs, or no brains, or were conjoined. The most gruesome was the one of a pair of twins that shared a single face. I wonder how the poor mother reacted upon learning what the stork had brought her. Like Sh said during the lab, I sure am grateful I have everything intact and in place!

After that it was a rush over to Club and Socs for my one hour practice. The accompaniment part turned out not too bad at the start, apart from the annoying abundance of flats, but the last two pages were *ahem* something. I might have to make a few changes here and there to the score just to make it playable, not unless someone decides to wave around his/ her wand and grant me a sudden elongation of my fingers or something, and also make some tweaks in my hand-eye coordination so that I can for once hit the keys accurately after jumping more than an octave up the keyboard LOL. Wonder who wrote that accompaniment? That mum from the Incredibles or something perhaps? :P

Waiata practice was as usual. I've still not started on memorising the lyrics unfortunately, and must certainly get it done before next Wednesday! I've found out which area my group will be sent to as well, one of the bays up in the East Coast. Hopefully they'll go through the procedures and stuff later in more detail too for the bits and pieces that they told us today certainly slid off my lump of noodles like water off a duck's back. Can't wait for it though, the whole thing sounds very promising and so very exciting! Cooee!

And to make my day even more exciting, was the talking about sex communication skills lab. It was at Hercus as most of us thought, so a bunch of us ended up late for class. Not that it mattered in the end, since Miss. T was late in arriving herself *hiak hiak*. This class was one of the most engaging discussions I've ever attended. It wasn't just a boring old listen and learn like some of the previous classes we had, but this was a full-on proper discussion combining morals and ethics and legal stuff with our main goal at health providers, except that this time it involved having to do directly or indirectly with sex. That was part of the class of course. The first parts involved having to define some terms that seemed obvious in their meaning, but isn't so when one cares to think about it carefully. Think about to have sex and masturbation and come up with a definition. What do you include? What do you not? There were subgroup assigned to provide a definition to the former thought sex involved penetration (of either anus or vagina). So what is oral sex then? Is it not sex? What about phone sex? What about dry sex? And masturbation... it is masturbation only when you do it on yourself? If someone did it for you, does it still count? If not, does eating someone not count as masturbation then?? Bottomline, make sure that you and your patient are on the same wavelength. And even though talking about sex didn't appear to be too big an issue (considering what wormy puts me through sometimes), but when I had to play doctor and interview my patient, I was totally caught off guard first time round when she asked, so do you think I'm gay? How should I respond to that? :S And same problem as last year, what questions to ask next? Brainstorming questions to ask beforehand doesn't really work for me it seems since I couldn't see how they would connect to the series of questions and answers we were having. The climax (excuse the pun!) of it all was when she (or rather he) informed me, in reponse to my question about the type of relationship between the patient and his mate's mate, that it was sexual and thinking of the person made him have an erection. No idea why I totally burst out laughing at this point, and so did my mock patient. Just as well this is a role-play, or I'd be so screwed, bunging up an interview like that...

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