Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lotus flower by Steven Pinker

Weather has been freezing. I thought I would try out sleeping in the sleeping bag, just to gauge how many blankets I might need to pack along when I head off for my ECC posting two nights ago. I used three initially, and that's in addition to the sleeping bag I was snuggled in. My toes were frozen from the start, even before I got in. And my toes stayed frozen, if not worse. So was the rest of me. Get up, grab another blanket and a jersey. Five layers for my body was much better. Not really as warm I would prefer myself to be when I'm trying to sleep, but tolerable. My toes however stayed unchanged, even when I tried to curl up and bring it as close as possible to the rest of me. And I was wearing socks for goodness sake! Couldn't take it anymore, so got up and jumped into bed instead.

Which explains my 20 dollar purchase this morning from Bed, Bath and Beyond. A single polarfleece blanket. Got it instead of the mink one since the salesperson said polarfleece would be warmer. Anything that's warmer I'll take. So that, the sleeping bag and maybe a couple more blankets and a hot water bottle I shall carry up with me. Stupid weather. It better not turn out to be a sudden heat wave over the country when I'm up there or someone is gonna pay. Big time. LOL, next problem is finding that someone to be the black sheep.

Last time I played Scrabble with puppy was just end of last week, and by some stroke of good luck I drew sets of tiles that were easy to form words with. Last night's game was of a different story. I drew either lots and lots of consonants and towards the end, mind-boggling vowel sets. If it were a consonant-consonant or vowel-vowel matching game I would have had an easy win. But instead, I was playing Scrabble. Which kind of meant I. Was. Handicapped. Sigh.

Tutorial today was pretty much a recap of the lecture just before it. L, who was in her 36 week was present. A couple of other students and I came in late, simply because of the holdup at the lifts and then a wrong turn in the corridor. When we came in, even before we were introduced or anything, the first thing that caught my eye was, gosh, the lady's feet were really really oedematous. Reminded me of granddad's feet after his trip to Korea, only much much worse. When my gaze turned upwards, the size of her belly just made me wanna turn around and run away screaming. I've never thought pregnant women, with their distended stomachs and huffing and puffing and whatnot, as remotely beautiful. L, who was expecting twins, just reinforced the idea in my head. The tutor (and lecturer earlier on) had to reiterate the thought that came to me early on in the module -- the foetus is the ultimate parasite. *wince* But all the same, she did provide some neat insights on some aspects that the lecture before hadn't provided, and some stuff was explained away by the tutor who was and O&G specialist. Goodness, imagine not being able to lie on your back for fear you might lower your blood pressure when you squash your vena cava! She told us how relieved she was as well now that her 'stomach' has dropped a little, allowing her to breathe slightly more freely. Apparently one of the foetus had started moving down into the pelvis now. :S

Two weeks more and I shall be there to punish the worm for wanting to feed me burnt biscuits. *evil chuckle* :D!

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