Sunday, June 03, 2007

Was walking home from NW yesterday when I saw something that no kid-at-heart should ever have seen. I wonder how unlucky a bird would have to be for it to be mangled to be that unrecognizable, with grizzly reddish bits and pieces poking out here and there, signature identifiable body parts no where to be seen. It reminded me faintly of stuff that I used to browse through (with morbid fascination) on the rotten site. That's years ago now, and puppy, being curious at my mention of the site, was eager to check it out. It's still as gruesome as ever, except that it now leaves me feeling queasy, green, and uneasy, rather than the excitement and curiousity that filled me as a young stupid teen. Does this mean I've grown up? Or is it just my tastes that have changed?

Made cheesecake with Cl and Z this morning. The weather is just so amazingly good. After the nearly non-stop rain, the sun broke through to smile upon all her children, so I chose to just walk up the hill to Z's place. Knowing that that lump in the middle of H. Row takes me only 2 minutes climb makes the task a lot easier. Goes to show how powerful the mind is huh? Previously I thought I had always taken about 5 minutes or so and hence was never too keen to go near it. LOL. And I'm amazed as well at how some people can just go out in the morning without first topping up their energy levels. I just can't get out of the house without a little something in the morning, even if it were just that little cup of milo. How do they manage?? :S The cheesecake came out quite ok, even though it didn't stick to the crust. I find myself wondering if perhaps there wasn't enough fat to bind it together... not that it matters. Taste comes first I guess. And despite the lemon went a-hiding, the recipe that Z found was surprisingly good. They didn't show it at the time, but I wonder if my comments about how the gelatine was strikingly similiar to some body fluids might put them off somewhat?? *tee hee*

Was pretty lazy in the afternoon after cooking lunch, which was just pasta sauce. Or rather, lunch for today and dinner for the following few days. Used loads of Chinese mushrooms, which before cooking, I thought would be rather excessive... but I'd already soaked them so in they went. Turned out that it lent a very nice asian-ey sort of flavour to the whole thing. Used the canned pasta sauce again instead of the chopped tomatoes. Which would probably had meant that the fragrance of the mushrooms might had been overmasked, since I'd only flavoured varieties in the pantry at the moment. Perhaps I should stock up on the plain varieties soon.

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