Monday, September 25, 2006

Called home yesterday. Nothing much said. Just basically reconfirming all that I've already known since a long time ago. Stuff that when one thinks of it carefully, would be thankful for and yet cannot but help feel a little creeped out by it all the same. LOL!

Nothing much today. Started class pretty late in the day again, so much of the morning was spent looking through stuff for SI4. My overconfidence tripped me up however in the Cal test today. Grrr... I'll make sure I pass tomorrow!

Practiced that piece by Bach today. This version seems harder than the one I played some years back. Or maybe it's the effect of having fingers so badly rusted from the lack of practice. Either way, it's not helping. Not that it's going to stop me from getting it as perfect as possible for next week cos I'm so not going to sing. Ha!

And yes, apparently a fuhrer cannot say that she cannot fail. Simply because by saying that, one is already admitting that one is failing to fail... Does that make sense? -\(o.O)/- *what sort of twisted logic is that?* *one of a kind, one that only a mad mad little kiddy can come up with*

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