Saturday, September 02, 2006

For the first time in a long while I left my down jacket at home, and good thing I did *it's warm again today! reporting this bit always make me feel so good!* considering the space left in my bag after my scores went in... Practice was really much better today, we ran through most of the pieces we intended to, though I must say more practice is urgently needed!

And apparently the piano at Evison has been moved, and the 'replacement' one in the storage room is certainly the best of all the pianos provided around here as I found out when I decided to stay back to continue working on my current project. I guess that would be the room I'll be booking in future :P!

The steamboat dinner at CL's was lovely. The 'wok' died on us halfway, but thanks to Z's innovation, a rice cooker did just as well. LOL! And we had a taste at last of his specialty -- curry! I must say that it tasted a lot like what one would get at the hawkers back home too... golly, I wish I could cook like that too...

After we played two rounds of Go-stop/ Godori, a korean traditional card game (for those of you interested in finding out more, here's a site with pictures of the cards used in the game Took me some time to pick it up, but once I got the hang of it, I could barely help myself from getting addicted to it. We kept scores, and the game itself is pretty unpredictable, and our scores kept on fluctuating up and down, and the goal we set - 50, took us a few hours to reach; we stayed up to 5 am playing those two rounds! Goodness, and by the time I got home and took a quick shower, I was no longer feeling tired or sleepy. And right now as I type this I can actually hear the birds singing outside... it's already 6.30 am!!

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