Monday, September 18, 2006

Clock by Rusiko Beraia

Love the colour.

Nothing much as usual. Did some work for metabolism in the morning and then the CAL test earlier this evening. Passed but not as well as I had hoped. Nitrogen excretion nearly got me.

Was rather windy today and got a bit cold towards the evening. Did a grammar check on Q's essay, not that I'm an expert neways, LOL! Had dinner with them at Seoul afterwards. I had no idea that the soft beancurd was also called jelly tofu and could be used in soups/ stews! Was really good though. And apparently dooboojiggae means 'army stew'. Apparently army food aren't meant to be posh, though it does taste quite good :P. I should learn to start carrying my camera around with me. The stew looked so good, steaming and all. It would have made a pretty picture :D! Must get a better camera later this year.. hm...

1 comment:

superstar said...

just a good life