Friday, September 08, 2006

Nothing much today. Weather pretty crappy, with it being rainy and all. I've been really naughty today, forcing people to do things for me. First I pressure C into coming along to help this Saturday, and then next pushing T into doing the speech. Yes, I'm so evil I should grow a pair of horns right now...

Finished The River of Night's Dreaming by Karl Edward Wagner now. I'm not entirely sure if I understood the story is correctly, too elusive for my dull mind it seems. But I like the way he writes though, it's quite beautiful:

Then, with thirty voices swelling a chorus to the screams of rubber and steel, the bus plunged over the edge. Halfway down it struck glancingly against the limestone face, shearing off wheels amidst a shower of glass and bits of metal, its plunge unchecked. Another carom, and the bus began to break apart, tearing open before its final impact onto the wave-frothed jumble of boulders far below. Water and sound surged upward into the night, as metal crumpled and split open, scattering bits of humanity like seeds flung from a bursting melon.

Memories of her past faded - she had always heard that a drowning victim's life flashes before her, but she could scarcely remember any fragment of her life before they shut her away. Perhaps that memory would return when at last her straining muscles failed, and the water closed over her face in an unrelinquished kiss.

Cassilda. I tell you, I am lost! Utterly lost!
Camilla (terrified herself). You have seen the King...?
Cassilda. And he has taken from me the power to direct or to escape my dreams.

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