Saturday, September 30, 2006

I got this pic off this a blog that was big on optical illusions. Somehow I can't seem to find the link to the site at the moment, but I'll post it up once I do. Interesting no? Suddenly he doesn't look all too saintly no more. Be afraid, very veeery afraid.

Daylight savings starting tomorrow... with people reminding me left and right about it, there's no way I can not remember to set my clock one hour forward. Makes me wonder though, it's supposed to start at 2 am tomorrow morning, as in it's supposed to be changed to 3 am. My computer's time is supposed to automatically adjust the time by itself. So if I leave my laptop on through the whole night, would I see it go from 1.59 am to 3 am?? Stupid question, but I'm still curious nontheless.

And my sense of direction/ memory is certainly lousy. Trying to remember the name of the motel that mum and sibs stayed at last time up in Upper Ricc, but after trawling around the yellow pages and looking up the maps, I can't say for sure which one it was. Nana will have to choose one I guess :P

HX music practice is going well. Next Thursday's rehearsal and then the performance on Friday, and then we'll be done for the year! Oh, and the lunch together on the Saturday following. Not to forget! I must remember to make a booking asap too *scribbles furiously in diary*! Apparently song titles don't always lend themselves well to translation. Tao Hua Xiang (Village of the Peach Blossoms) translates into Kampung Bunga Pic -_-" - sounds wrong to me somehow... But it's all going good, and now with a bass guitar playing the cello part, the songs are complete, beautiful. *sigh of contentment*

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