Friday, September 22, 2006

Lab first thing today. Was a few minutes late, but not that it mattered... seems like it's becoming a class trend to be late, be it lectures or tutorials or labs... well, not everyone indulges in it but it somehow has become something acceptable. Not that I plan to be late again! We worked ultra slowly through the stuff today, and wasn't even finish by the time Pep started his feedback. After was a tute, nothing to do with cystic fibrosis it turned out but more on diarrhoea. By the time the facilitator handed out the test results, everyone had already started shutting down. Only thing that alleviated our boredom for a moment was the sight of a few jets doing some exercises in the sky... then back to being bored. The guy sitting opposite even fell asleep... certainly did nothing to help keep me from feeling sleepy! Clinical demonstration afterwards. They brought in an 8 year old this time. Was really a sweet little thing. Or at least seemed so from afar LOL! Such a wee little thing that he was practically swimming in the one-seater couch they gave him.

Handed in my lifestyle project report today. And then skipped over to NW for fun. Note to self: remember to do shopping tomorrow. Running low on some stuff.

Choir practice after. Pianist didn't turn up, again! *grumbles* I had to 'sit in', I wonder how we are going to coordinate properly this Sunday... hmm... *fingers crossed* Was made to wear a hanbok for the practice today. No idea why though, since Q and S certainly neglected to bring along theirs! It's a little short for me, but *shrug* beggars can't be choosers I guess. It's pretty but not the best thing to put on when one has to walk up and down stairs! Nearly tripped and fell over a few times :S

And I think I have fallen down into the abyss now. I give up trying to resist. No point living if one is not willing to see what life has to offer. To hell with what others think or say. Since they practically assume it now. Hopefully I don't come to regret it later.

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