Pretty busy morning... physiol lab was 'interesting' in a disgusting (??) sort of way. We got, or rather, were made, to play with bits of rabbit ileum. I couldn't really bring myself to stick the needle into it (and I noticed that the rabbit mesenteric arteries were still bright red... wow! They should just let us study rabbits, instead of those preserved stuff :P) so my lab partner had to do it. Not that she minded. She was giggling as she stuck the bit of intestine, going 'poor bunny' as she threaded it with the cotton :S Eeeps!
Nothing much else to report today I'm afraid. Got the double whammy for the physiol case this time... at least it's not the one requiring me to do graphs :P and spent some time up at Celeb Squares to do a lil' recharging though hunger pangs forced me to abandon it halfway through...

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