Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Can't remember where I got this cartoon from, but I thought it kinda cute. Haha, good thing this doesn't happen that often, or I believe a good part of our population might have to go around looking... *ahem* odd :P

True to my word, the alarm clock was placed a good 2m or so away from my bedside today, and I ended up waking an hour earlier than I had planned to. It was only when I was about to head off to the library when I realised that the mobile was displaying a time that was impossibly early. Only then did I realise that I must have somehow mistakenly set my clock one hour faster the night before! :S *slaps forehead*

And I guess I need to work harder on my fickle-mindedness... not to mention my tendency to procrastinate at every chance I get... at least I'm working on the former. Resisting every chance I have to turn back is certainly not easy! But I guess it's better than to waste my time thinking of what-ifs or should-Is... LOL

Dinner was at Q's today. I really love omani's cooking. D was the other chef of the night too, lol! Him and his favourite pork. It's the first time I've had pork belly cooked this way. I've never seen pork sold this way at the butcher's before back home... no wonder Q had to get it all the way from Chch. And afterwards, what else but casino at M. Hill again? LOL! Jackpot team managed to snorkel and not dive to deeply. Afterwards for the other rounds, with the help of his yellow Doh cards, D demonstrated his D power. And how I got the yellow Doh card, but T ended up getting the real D instead. A wonder that our laughter didn't just wake up everyone within the area!

Music Night is coming up soon too. A little too soon perhaps, but fingers crossed, it'll all go well.

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