Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nothing much today. Did a little work in the library today... and while doing so, the other half of my brain entertained itself by working out a 'route' from the 3rd to 2nd floor of M. Lib. All one would have to do is jump off/over the cement barrier onto the ledge, and from there hop onto the top of one of the bookshelves, and crawl all the way down. *grin* Yeah, I know, I'm brilliant LOL! Or as T suggested, jump onto one of the lamps and then slide downwards onto the bookshelves below. It would work, but it involves the risk of getting electrocuted, and also assumes that one would be light enough to not cause the wires to give way of course... Yes, we'll make really good heal profs in the future...

And I watched Princess Mononoke again. It's been so long since I've last watched it with May. Watching it all over today again makes me feel a little homesick to tell the truth, but it's nice to see something familiar, even if it's just on the screen.

I guess I should not be asked to make a choice, especially if one knows how fickle-minded I am. To do so and then burn me for not making my mind up fast enough is to ask for trouble, but oh, it's starting to get harder to keep my cool. Give me a break, there's only so much a human *yes, I'm human, duh* can take before cracks start to show...

Music night posters are out now, and a few have been put up around campus. Tickets have yet to be cut out, but it's no hurry I guess. And hopefully I'll get those Gold nomination forms filled out by tonight, then it'll be all done :D !

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