Thursday, September 07, 2006

Came across this picture of a Moeraki boulder in my laptop. I think nanny took it a few years back? I like how them boulders crack open right in the middle... they remind me of an egg cracked open and the insides scooped out :P

Well, practice today wasn't too bad. I think B won't be disappointed after all, and In Moments Like These is coming along beautifully. We've made a few changed to it, and it sounds loads better now, though I've really got to work on those strings of mine. Why have they suddenly chosen to sound all crackly and odd? I must start cleaning it tomorrow.

And yes, my ID has certainly gone missing. Where can it be? Darn, no idea how much a replacement would cost, probably not cheap. And $20 airtime credit gone in less than a month. Some darning is in order I think!

Fun Fun Fun! in Sakkara is surprisingly good I must say. The front bit seemed rather like a bunch of PDS stuff, and I must say the telegram stumped me. The rest was not too bad, though Hafiz and his cups really got me frustrated. My eyes aren't fast enough I guess. LOL! Ending was vastly different from what I thought it would be, perhaps a bit of a let down but overall, the game was really enjoyable *grin*

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