Thursday, September 21, 2006

Probably not the appropriate photo to post anymore, since it's coming to spring now. Noticed for the first time today that the cherry tree outside the dent building has started covering itself in green again, instead of just those delicate white flowers which I've gotten so used to. And all this can only mean one thing -- warmer days are ahead! And that means summer break can't be all that far away too! Yipee!

Three lectures today. Was pretty boring. First two was about the health care system here. Not boring, as in content boring. Not what I would call particularly exciting, but it's just something so distant in the context of my life at the moment that I can't help but drift off into my daydreams again. Oops! Should I even be telling you guys this?!

Did some practice today for this Saturday. Doing piece #8. Not that hard, just that the arpeggios-like parts does require me to pay attention when I'm playing. Considering how I'm the type that actually need to be in the mood to practice/ play, this means I can be a bit inconsistent I guess? Not that I can afford to be so come Friday. Haha! Sigh, and I really want my own piano... *sniffles* I'm sick of browsing all those catalogues and drooling and lusting over those pianos I can't have at the moment... but until I do settle down more or less in a place, not one of these crummy flats, that's one plan I'll have to put on hold *screams in frustration*

And the big shots wanted us to wear white today in support of UN's Peace Day. But considering how ***** it is, I just couldn't bring myself to wear white. Not on Thursday too! Of all days. Thursday should be for wearing black. Thursdays in Black: Demanding a world without rape and violence in our community, remember?! Not that I wore black today anyway. LOL! I will in future! Meanwhile, here a photo/ phrase from the campaign that I've always liked *no, I'm not morbid, it's just so simple and it hits the nail right on the head, so how can I not like it?*

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