Sunday, September 10, 2006

Nothing much today. Went through the service and then skipped the choir practice and ran with T to St. Paul's for the concert Cothram Foirfe Sings Cole Porter and also to watch SL and B perform Meditation de Thais. They pulled it off quite well, and the audience liked it so it's thumbs up :D! The choir Cothram Foirfe was the main performers of the day with a total of 11 items. Of all the songs they sang I liked Ose Shalom the best. The last few items were presented one after another without much of a stop in between and all the singers dressed up in the 70-80s (?) style, and the movements were well choreographed and coordinated, very interesting indeed.

Feeling a little bloated at the moment, on my account of having taken 4-5 cups of liquid today! I don't understand how people can take any more water than that in a day. If my memory serves me well, I do remember one of them physiol lecturers saying the stimulus to take water is thirst. Why then are they people who drink water simply because they have nothing better to do/ because they feel like it/ because it's there?! -\(o.0)/- *throw hands up in defeat*

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